Monday, June 04, 2007

Full summer ahead
It's shaping up to be a full summer of really interesting work. In early July I leave to guide two bear viewing trips to the famous Brooks River in Katmai National Park for TravelWild Expeditions. Later in July I'll be starting work on an exciting show for Discovery Channel about Alaska's wildlife and the effects of climate change. Then it's back to Katmai National Park - to the coast this time where I'll be escorting two groups of people into one of the most incredible environments in Alaska - one of my favorite places on earth among the giant brown bears during the peak of the salmon feeding frenzy (see The picture above was taken by my friend Chris Weston on this trip in 2005 ( Here, at the beginning of September, we also start filming BEARTREK - a campaign and feature film about my journey to the wildest places on earth to discover bears and distant cultures (see We continue our BEARTREK journey in September with a jolt to the senses as we descend on the tropical island of Borneo to track down and attempt to film the elusive sun bear. Then it's back to Alaska for more Discovery Channel adventures as winter takes a grip on the land. While at home I'm keeping very busy with the North Cascades Grizzly Bear Outreach Project (GBOP) and the incredible team of people that is working hard to bring information about bears to rural residents of this wild northwest landscape (see

Watch this space - I'll keep you posted as the story unfolds! Thanks for tuning in.
